Wednesday, August 18, 2010

From the French Pass to Wellington.

The view for breakfast.

The French Pass itself.

French Pass Village.

The French Pass from the other side of the hill.
It was high tide and the current was very strong.
Massive boats are going through the pass between the beacon and the shore.

Arriving in Picton.

Leaving the South Island.

Approaching the North Island.

Wellington, here we are!


  1. Je savais que la Bretagne était très différente du reste de la France mais ass point là!

  2. Aaaah ces iles bretonnes, c'est vraiment top! Il y a beaucoup de courant entre les iles ... et faut faire gaffe au maree ... ouais ouais les marees (l'eau de mer monte et descend) .. pas comme ce lac mediterraneen! mouahahah ... Armel'beurresurlatable
